Welcome To My Wedding Page

Welcome to my page. I have Designed it so that you all may view and, for all of you that are thinking a bout getting married. I was in train of though a while back. I was always surfing the web looking for great ideas and things that I might need at my wedding.

"On this page you can click on any image and see it bigger"

***My Wedding Pictures***

Ceila's Parent's

My Parents

A Loving Touch

"Ceila's Parent's"

"Leo's Parent's"

"A Loving Touch"

My Wife and Her Father

Prayer at Church

At the Hall, At Our Table

"Father & Bride"

"Prayer at Church"

"At Our Table"

Leo & Ceila Love

"Leo & Ceila Love"


"Best Friends"

"The Groom's Men"

"All Together"

"With the Girls"


"Groom & Bride"



Click on This to see Me Kiss my Wife


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